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Be The Silent Leader...!

An interesting article of Franklin D Rivera II at linkedin


Leaders do not Thirst for Recognition

A leader does not have to stand and shout it from the mountaintop. They realize that they have a job that needs to be done, and they just do it. Leaders do not perform for their superiors or for the acknowledgment of peers, but rather for themselves. They hold themselves accountable for both their failures and victories.

Leaders Have a Higher Purpose

There are managers and then there are leaders. Here is one way that I differentiate the two. A manager will do those things that appease his boss or help him/her keep their job. A leader will do what is the right thing to do, even if it means stepping away from the status quo or possibly jeopardizing their job. A leader will always look at the greater good, as opposed to singular self-gratification; what is best and right for their God or Higher Power, their family, their people, their company and finally themselves.

Leaders Are Not Easily Distracted from the Task at Hand

If I were to tell you about all of the difficulties I experienced, moving from a comfortable six-figure salary to virtually nothing while starting my business, you would probably think I was nuts. Building a business takes a lot of blood, sweat and tears. We know from the likes of Jobs, Gates, Rosa Parks, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and others that sacrifices have to be made in order to keep the dream alive. Many times those decisions are difficult ones to make, but a leader realizes that distractions could lead to complacency and eventually failure. The light at the end of the tunnel is always in their sight and the realization that “this too shall pass” is always their companion."

You can read the whole article here:

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